Wessex Guild of Bookbinders
Introductory Bookbinding Course
The course will run on 5 consecutive Tuesday mornings at our Holt Heath bindery, starting on Tuesday 12th September 2023.
During this course students will learn the basic skills required for bookbinding, including folding, cutting, sewing and gluing. At the end of the course students will have a selection of handmade books contained within a slipcase.
Annual Binding Project (Guild Members Only)
The guild was formed in 1968 so, this year's theme is books from that year. We're not going for a single title this year, so choose a title that suits you.
To give you a bit of inspiration, here are a couple of links to books from 1968, although you may already have your favourite;
The deadline is the AGM in November so that we can share and display the completed books with one another.
Members Day - 6th June 2023 (Guild Members Only)
See Calendar opposite for further details